
To find out about YBC, the service it offers and the face behind the name, please follow this link:


One Response to About

  1. Bob says:

    Hi Roger
    Sorry for not getting back to you earlier
    Lots of interesting stuff on the site
    I can certainly fill you in on iniatives for getting people onto alternative heat sources.
    The Renewable Heat Incentive wa smeant to be introduced in June but is now delayed until later in the year.
    Also I saw on Argusmedia that there is an inter connector being laid between Norway and UK – 1200 – 2000 MW electric!!! so doing away with the need for biomass power plants but electric will be expensive.
    I am just working to finish my CNSL site and I have a dedicated fuel site being prepared as we speak as soon as that is upp and running I can link you to it..

    I think your site is good maybe too many words and needs a clear news heading and if someone wants to read morte they just click on that item so the right hand bar has a summary click on and the main item comes up in the middle??

    I will have aread through and get back to you with other new worthy items that you might be interested in…


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